Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Fashion Shoots

Yes, things were going quite well for Gavin and company. She congratulated herself on a job well done, and retired for the evening with a latte and a box of hard-earned Toblerone.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Enter Nan

Nan has been living as a street urchin for a long time now, and has seen several fairs come and go, but they still hold a certain appeal. If she had any extra change, she would probably have spent it on a candy apple, but as it was. . .
Besides being expensive, the rides were too risky. She passed"The Spider", a green, 8-legged spinning machine. The last time it had come through town she'd ridden it, but being so small, she'd almost slipped under the lap bar, a terrifying experience she didn't wish to repeat.
Not that she was afraid.
No- what was scarier was the grafitti left by gangs. Gangs that would stay in town long after the fair had left.
At least there were still a few role models to look up to.
And a wall of anime! Standing beside it, Nan didn't feel like she was dressed so strangely.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Into the Woods, and a Revelation

"It's about time for lunch isn't it?" Charlotte asked.
Colette agreed that it was.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Who's Who on the 4th Story

Gavin, a Dynamite Girl by Integrity Toys, doesn't just have her finger on the pulse of the high fashion scene, she's the heartbeat of high fashion, or at least, she likes to think so.
Always casting an appraising eye on the outfits of others, Gavin can either make you feel like you've got it all together, or like you should run back to your room and change into something else.
Bold and decisive, she usually accomplishes all that she sets out to do. She runs a small fashion studio out of her loft apartment. The studio has gained some local recognition, but Gavin has bigger plans for it in the future.
Gavin is confidence embodied. If she has a weak spot, we don't know it yet.

Sooki, a Dynamite Girl by Integrity Toys, is the quiet type. She is sentimental and takes time to look at things in great detail.
With such a sweet look to her, Sooki has learned that more often than not, people are more willing to do things for you if you convince them that it was their idea to begin with. A bit of a manipulator, Sooki nonetheless finds time for friends, and knows when and just how far to push them.
We believe she is waiting for a Prince Charming, but there is no one on the horizon at this point.
Currently, she is living with her friend's fashion apartment/design studio. Since the two girls wear exactly the same size (imagine!), she is often the stand-in model for Gavin's creations. She has never complained about this.

Charlotte, originally a "Jun" Juku by Jakks Pacific, is a drama queen, with a knack for stirring up trouble and then finding ways to extricate herself (and hopefully anyone else involved).
This photo is a perfect example of Charlotte: movie star style and mischief combined!
Charlotte and Colette met in their boarding school, which they escaped only recently. Charlotte may be a little older than Colette, but not by much. And we all know that age is not always an indicator of maturity.
Even with her quirks, Charlotte is a fiercely loyal companion and is so resourceful, you'd want her along if you had to be stuck on a deserted island.

Colette, originally a "Hayley" Juku by Jakks Pacific, is the youngest of the bunch. She likes frills and girly things as they suit her bright blue eyes and yellow hair better than other clothes.
She is usually very tightlipped, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her own ideas about things.
Sweetnatured and calm, she loves to throw tea parties and apply lipstick.
Her makeup palette is inspired by her favorite page of history: the 16th century. She simply adores the Rococo dresses, immaculate makeup, shoes, accessories, and did we mention the dresses?
We have yet to find out what really makes her tick. . .
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Escape From the Boarding School - Part 2

A friendly horse. . .

Charlotte soon tamed the horse into letting her ride it.
Soon they were back on the road again

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Escape From the Boarding School
It was now their lunch break, and they took up their usual place by the fence, and proceeded to mope about their current school situation. They gripped the iron bars and stared out into the great, wide world.

"If only we didn't have so very many years of schooling left," Colette mumbled.
(As far as we know, Charlotte and Colette are not related, though they do bear an eerie resemblance to one another, and all that Colette is missing from her name is "har" before she could become another "Charlotte".)
After a few more minutes of commiserating, the girls stood up.

After a short rest they climbed down the rest of the way.
"Freedom!" they shouted, and began to kiss the dirt. This soon proved unsavory, however, and, spitting sand and gravel, they stood up.
"This way!" cried Charlotte. A natural born leader, Charlotte usually was the one to take charge, and Colette was usually content to follow.
It wasn't long until the girls were missed at the boarding school. In fact, they were missed as soon as they didn't answer the roll call after lunch break. They heard the squeal of rubber tires on the road and knew without a doubt that one of the school's big red patrol trucks was coming after them. This in itself was an exceptional feat since the road was a dirt road, and tires generally do not squeal on dirt.

Sure enough, a gargantuan red patrol truck came tearing around a bend on the road. The girls jumped from the road just in time, and the truck passed by, leaving them choking in a cloud of dust and grit.
"Looks like we can't follow the road," Colette observed.
"We'll have to find another way," Charlotte agreed.
Fortunately for the girls, there was a nearby riverbed which had dried up several months ago, and they were able to follow it without risk of being seen from the road.

Charlotte found an interesting boulder along the way, and stopped to study it.

"Conglomerate," she announced. "Looks like Geology was good for something."
"For what?" asked Colette.
"I think it's safe to get out of the riverbed now," Charlotte said, changing the subject.
The girls left the riverbed. Where their adventures would take them next, they had no idea, but neither of them minded that.
4th Story Dolls
Enjoy your tour through their world!