Nan has been living as a street urchin for a long time now, and has seen several fairs come and go, but they still hold a certain appeal. If she had any extra change, she would probably have spent it on a candy apple, but as it was. . .
Besides being expensive, the rides were too risky. She passed"The Spider", a green, 8-legged spinning machine. The last time it had come through town she'd ridden it, but being so small, she'd almost slipped under the lap bar, a terrifying experience she didn't wish to repeat.
Not that she was afraid.
No- what was scarier was the grafitti left by gangs. Gangs that would stay in town long after the fair had left.
At least there were still a few role models to look up to.
And a wall of anime! Standing beside it, Nan didn't feel like she was dressed so strangely.
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